Friday, July 3, 2009

Shouldn't sweat it, but...

So every day we pretty much have the same morning and evening routines, we are not ready to get up and the kids are and we are ready for them to go to bed and they are not. It seems no matter what it is in life that children always want more, you give them a trip to the park and they never want to leave, you give them ice cream and they want more, you never are going to be done if you don't simply say "NO".

I love my girls and Lord knows there are days that I would just not have laughed without them but they are exhausting. My 5 year old has a tantilizing tone that she maintains in the wee morning hours, "I got to go potty!!!" as she shrieks this across our 850 square foot apartment every nerve in her father and I's entire body screams out in pain and annoyance. Why, you might ask does the child simply not go, well the gate is up, however I might add she still does this even when she has full access to the restroom. I take her to the restroom and drag my weary self from the bed, to the child, and put her back and try to steal a few more hours of sleep, but much to my shugrin, her father and I again feel our angry nerves when she, in the same tone, beckons, "I want something to eat!!!"

Alright we are currently trying to teach her the difference between wanting and asking. So put aside the fact that she is in a tone that is nearly unbearable at noon let alone 6 am., I am willing to put that aside, why are you telling me you want, ask me!!!!

Anyway as she makes these requests throughout the day, her favorite thing to ask after each need and desire is fufilled to her liking or to the extent in which she realizes I am going to and she asks, "What do I do now?" grrrrr. never satisified, always bored and ever wanting.

I realize in my frustration how annoying this is, however in reflection I realize that children are simply a reflection of the things in ourselves that annoy us. I always want more, money, time, sleep, etc. but on with life and the bills keep coming, the mornings get earlier and time keeps moving. I realize that one day she will be grown and gone and my mornings quiet, of course it will be then that I am unable to sleep past 5 am but hey who sweats the small stuff.

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