Wednesday, February 11, 2009


There are people in our lives that come and go. I believe that sometimes we are released from relationships and sometimes ties are severed but everytime it is for a purpose. Today as I sit and reflect on the last several months and even years, I realize that right now is the moment that I have finally realized why. Sometimes we have to let go of relationships and it is painful and other times it is...well not.

I am feeling mixed emotions yup thats right this separation is causing mixed emotion. Those who know me and what we have been through are thinking what mixed emotions why. But here it is. I am excited and happy and relieved the mixture is overwhelming. I want more. I want contentment and I feel that with this release may prove to be more of that than ever before.

Our entire life we breakaway so to speak, from friends, family, and several other relationships in our lives. Sometimes it is delightful and other times painful. I can honestly say that right now I sit here delighted.

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say...

Breakaway...what a beautiful release.